2009년 12월 1일 화요일
KT planning to launch Show Omnia smartphone
Quickly responding to the launch of Apple’s iPhone, KT, the nation’s largest Internet operator and second-biggest mobile phone operator, said yesterday it is releasing the Show Omnia smartphone.
According to KT, it will be the world’s first smartphone device to provide WCDMA, Wi-Fi and WiBro connections at the same time.
The Show Omnia is a fixed mobile convergence, or FMC, product that offers users both mobile and Internet phone services at a reduced cost.
The launching of the SPH-M8400 mobile phone comes amid widespread efforts to boost the nation’s wireless Internet and data industry.
“The price of the device hasn’t been fixed yet, but we have already started supplying it to corporate users based on preorders,” said a KT official. “We will start selling the device at KT stores starting in mid-December.
The Show Omnia phone is similar to SK Telecom’s T Omnia2, which was launched less than a month ago before the iPhone was introduced. The smartphones allow users to connect to the Internet wirelessly at a relatively lower cost.
Meanwhile, KT opened its Show App Store, which offers smartphone users various applications. By using Wi-Fi service, consumers can access a host of free content, including information on transportation, shopping and stock prices.
Though Korea is often dubbed one of the world’s most advanced countries when it comes to IT, smartphones take up only 1 percent of the total mobile market, according to industry sources. To boost the industry, Samsung and KT have been actively promoting their own assortment of smartphone devices.
WCDMA,Wi-Fi,Wibro Connection이 동시에 가능한 세계 최초의 스마트폰인 Show omnia smartphone
보다 저렴한 금액으로 모바일과 인터넷전화 서비스를 제공하고,이폰의 서비스 시작으로 인하여 무선사업과 데이타분야에 기폭제 역할을 기대하고 있다.아이폰 출시 한달전에 나온 SKT의 T omnia2와 비슷하고, 이런한 스마트폰들을 이용함으로써 사용자들은 보다 저렴한 금액으로 무선인터넷을 즐길수 있다고.관건은 KT의 app store활성화 방안인데 현재는 아직 미약하고, 한국이 IT강국이기는 하나 상대적으로 모바일 마켓시장에서 스마트폰이 차지하는 비율은 1% ,이러한 상황에서 스마트폰 분야를 활성화 하기 위해,KT나 삼성등 보다 더 공격적인 Promotion과 홍보로 이 분야를 독려하고 있다
By Lee Eun-joo [angie@joongang.co.kr]
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